For domestic orders, we use FedEx or USPS Priority Mail, delivery time is approx 4 business days, plus 2 business days to process the orders. For overseas orders, we use EMS via USPS.
We will ship to confirmed home addresses, military addresses, and personal mailbox/PO Box addresses.
We will NOT ship our ballistic products to any global forwarding companies due to the nature of our products. If we find out the order address is for a global forwarding company, then your order will be canceled and the payment will be refunded back to you minus the 3% processing fee.
We offer a 30-day no-question return/exchange for demostic orders and 45-days for all international orders.
The item must be in the original new condition along with all accessories
If the returned items are used, then 25% of the total will be charged for reconditioning.
If any accessories come with the item are missing or damaged such as a carrying case, and additional rails attachments, then the retail value of a replaced item will be charged to the buyer, and deducted from the refund.
If we don't have the size that you want to exchange in stock, then a full refund of the original purchase price will be issued back to the buyer.
If you are not fully satisfied with your newly purchased item, you can return or exchange it for a different item as long as the item is not used and in its original condition along with the packaging and accessories. If there's a price difference, we will refund the diffrence if the new item costs less, or the buyer pays the extra if the new item costs more.
Any damaged merchandise (not due to shipping or factory defects) cannot be returned for refund or exchange.
Buyer is responsible for the return shipping cost. International buyer will also be responsible for the initial import duty tax, local tariff, return shipping cost back to the US, extra delivery fees charged by UPS/FEDEX/DHL/USPS, and US import duty. All will be deducted from the final refund.
Email us at to initiate a return or exchange.
Authorized officials or sworn members of local police departments, the State Police, the Division of Criminal Justice, the Department of Correction, or the Board or Pardons or Parole
Authorized municipal or Department of Administrative Services officials who buy body armor for the above agencies.
Authorized Judicial Branch officials who buy body armor for probation officers.
Members of the National Guard or armed forces (CGS § 53-341b)
Works for a security company in the state of NY
We do not ship to these 3 provinces unless you have an active PAL or a body armor permit. Please email us a copy of your permit before placing the order.